Jun 25Liked by Frank P Huguenard

lol you just want the field smaller because you're slow AF son. Always have been, always will be.

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I never said I wanted the field smaller. All I said was that making the field bigger gives the offense an even bigger advantage than they already have in a set of rules that favors the O.

What does it matter what my speed is. Nobody can shut me down. In fact, that's the whole point. Shredding gives a player so much leverage that a 64 year old man is unstoppable. That should be an embarrassment to you, not to me.

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Anytime you get touched you cry foul. Soft and stoppable. Supple as well for the fun crowd.

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I've been thinking a bit about your comment here and it deserves a deeper dive.

(1) I've never been a fan of self officiating and it would have never been my 1st choice.

(2) I never signed up to be a ref, nor have I ever been certified (as if there was such a thing) and in fact, I literally hate that I'm being asked to ref a game while simultaneously playing in it.

(3) That said, I take the role seriously and have always read the rules probably more carefully than most players.

(4) for you to mock me because you don't like the job I do as a referee is a subjective call on your part. I didn't make up the idea of self refereeing nor did I write the rules, I hate them all so don't hold it against me if you don't like my calls.

(5) What are incidental fouls or fouls that "didn't affect the play" in conventional offense versus Shredding are two completely different animals.

(6) Because you don't know how to Shred, you wouldn't understand this difference so I don't hold it against you but being as Ultimate is supposedly based on mutual respect, then you're just going to have to rely on my expertise in Shredding to make calls that I'm certain affect the play. I think that the idea of mutual respect is an entitlement and completely unnatural, but these are the rules I'm dealing with.

(7) Because Shredding is based on balance, misdirection, deception, change of speeds, rapid change of direction, etc. what you might consider a minor foul in a stack offense (or whatever) is actually a foul that has a tremendous deleterious effect on an accomplished Shredder.

(8) It's not up to you to make those calls, you have no idea what you're talking about.

(9) I don't cry foul. I just call them as I see them.

(10) Using the phrase 'cry foul' is obviously a slur on your part, if you're going to imply or insinuate something, why don't you come right out and say it (and do so without the cowardice of anonymity).

(11) Better yet, come on my Dogs and Baskets podcast and discuss your issues with me face to face. you know how to get in touch with me.

(12) At 64 and out of shape, I am unstoppable. That's not about me (how could it be), it's because shredding destroys the game.

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I have no idea what you're talking about.

I do have an idea though. How about you actually attempt to debate the points that I made in this article.

Instead you make these lame attempts to insult me, as if I care.

You simply can't accept the fact that shredding completely destroys ultimate. It literally breaks the game.

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You know, it's funny. The whole point of the article, with neuroscience, psychology and sociology to back it up, is that the entire framework for the game prevents true competition from happening, so there's really no way to determine how good of a player I am, Dylan Freechild is, John Nethercutt is or how good anybody is and all your comments try to do is comment on how good of a player I am (or not). You're missing the whole point.

The main common ground I have with everyone else is that Ultimate doesn't get any respect and we all wish that it would.

If you want the game to be respected, then you'd want the entire framework overhauled. Instead you want insult me, as if it's my fault.

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