This is worse than Watergate.....
How "Controlling The Narrative" was refined in the early 1970s
“Never have we seen such an abuse of power”
Fifty years ago today was a day that will live in infamy in the annals of U.S. political theater, subterfuge and espionage. On June 17th, 1972 five “burglars” were arrested for having broken into the DNC Headquarters at the Watergate Office Complex and the rest, as they say, is history.
The word Watergate, however, will forever remain synonymous with an overreach of individuals who’ve abused their power and seem to think that they are above the law, and in the past fifty years, nowhere else have we seen the expression “this is worse than Watergate” used as much as we’ve seen over the past 6 years since Trump rode down the escalator.
We were consistently told that virtually everything Trump did was seemingly “Worse than Watergate”.
However, we’ve seen an extreme number of instances over the past several years of extraordinary abuses of power by the political elite, the media, the judicial system and career intelligence officials. We know this through the clear factual and verifiable evidence based on open source information and publicly available documentation from (but not limited to):
FOIA requests
Witness testimony
Court proceedings and filings by federal prosecutor
Federal indictments
Published ‘whistle-blower’ documents
For starters, here is a quick synopsis of just a few of the things we know, for a fact, happened (the list could easily be ten times larger but kept short for brevity):
HRC, the DNC and Hilary for America conspired and collaborated to steal the 2016 Primary Election from Bernie Sanders.
The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) was exploited by the FBI to obtain FISA Warrants against George Papadopoulos, Carter Page and several other Trump Campaign officials, willfully and knowingly using the Steele Dossier which was known to be fabricated by a Russian Spy (Danchenko).
In April 2016, Admiral Rogers, upon doing an audit of the NSA’s FISA database discovered an inordinate increase in NSA 704 database searches by outside contractors with access to the servers. This was highly illegal and irregular.
General Michael Flynn, in his capacity as incoming National Security Advisor to President Trump, had a normal transitional phone call with his Russian counterpart Sergey Kislyak. The classified transcript of this call was illegally leaked to the media, ultimately leading to Flynn’s resignation.
Federal Judge Emmet G. Sullivan made a series of bizarre and potentially unconstitutional decisions in General Flynn’s case, including prolonging the trial even after the Department of Justice dropped the case.
Michael Sussman fabricated evidence and made an accusation with the FBI that there was technological proof of a link between a Trump computer server and Alfa Bank in Russia, and this link was used for a private back channel between Trump and Russia. Sussman also submitted the knowingly false White Paper (laying out the evidence). The media knowingly repeated this lie.
Rodney Joffe, using an internet appliance capable of DNS Spoofing (manufactured and marketed by his firm Packet Forensics), was spying on the Executive Office of The President, Trump Tower and elsewhere in Trump’s orbit.
Roger Stone’s home was raided at 6:00 A.M. with a full S.W.A.T. assault team and they hauled him off for an arraignment in handcuffs by the FBI. Paul Manafort was similarly treated when he was arrested (both for trumped up process crimes). These arrests could have been simple requests to show up for arraignment and they would have complied.
Kevin Clinesmith was indicted for altering an email that should have been exculpatory in Carter Page’s innocence and instead changed it to say that Page had not been working with the CIA.
The Mueller Special Council had access to all of this information and spent years continuing an investigation when they knew Trump was innocent. This investigate was extended well beyond the 2018 midterms, which tilted the results towards the DNC candidates.
Eric Ciaramella, the alleged ‘whistle blower’ that led to the first Trump Impeachment, was not a whistleblower, never qualified for whistleblower protection and the rules pertaining to whistleblowers were altered just a few weeks prior to his leak, to include people who were not direct witnesses to a ‘crime’. Ciaramella was a CIA operative working at the National Security Council and exploited his position to initiate an illicit impeachment.
The January 6th Congressional Commission is holding the first hearings in our nation’s history, where there was no cross-examination, no rebuttal witnesses and no voice from the oppositional viewpoint (Liz Cheney [R]ino from Wyoming doctoring evidence and taking statements out of context to paint a false narrative hardly qualifies as an oppositional viewpoint). The January 6th Unselect Committee is one of the more egregious abuses of power we’ve seen over the past six years, but in all fairness, the lion’s share of the corruption has yet to be brought to light.
Leaks of Classified Material has been an enormous abuse of power throughout the past several years. Information that could have only come from the House Oversight Committee, Senate Intelligence Committee, SCIFs, and so on was being presented through media outlets in near real-time as meetings were convened.
There’s a controversy as to whether or not Comey’s leaked notes to his friend were considered to be classified but we know that his intention in the leaks was to initiate a Special Prosecutor’s investigation.
Twitter, Facebook and YouTube all censored the release of the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop prior to the 2020 election and they had all cracked down on dissenting voices claiming that mail in voting was not ‘Safe and Secure’. The 51 senior intelligence officials who signed a letter that the Laptop from Hell was a Russian dis-info operation knowingly lied to spike the story.
The entire Legacy Media Establishment, which is 95% left leaning (and even outlets such as Fox and the Wall Street Journal are clearly controlled opposition) have consistently reported the ‘Official Narrative’ which was overwhelmingly incorrect based on all the above proven facts.
The “Official Narrative” promulgated by the Mainstream Media over the past six years has never been correct. This is a fact and they’ve clearly acted in concert with one another.
The above list of abuses of power is just an abbreviated set of examples and after all the dust settles, the full list of power abuses from 2015-2022 will grow to be orders of magnitude larger than this brief sampling (I’m sure anyone well versed in ObamaGate will beat me up for leaving out their own personal favorite major felony; the amount of power abuse has been almost incomprehensible).
The social media giants and the main stream media have worked in tandem with the democrats, the FBI, the CIA as well as academics in schools and universities to make 100s of millions of people believe things that simply were not true by asserting their control over the creation and management the official narrative.
In fact, it could easily be asserted, that by far the biggest abuse of power we’ve seen over the past six years, has been the power to utilize Edward Bernays’ psychological methodologies for mass mind control. Bernays was Sigmund Freud’s nephew who, using his uncle’s understanding of the human psyche, came up with what he called Public Relations (another word for propaganda) as a way of promoting mass formation psychosis.
So, which of Trump’s many horrific transgressions were actually Worse than Watergate? Exactly what were his abuses of power? Can you name them? If you make any specific claims, please take into account that between the Mueller Probe, three impeachments (The scam Jan. 6th Commission is ostensibly the third impeachment of Trump), countless investigations by rogue District Attorneys and the media’s constant attempts to find something/anything on him, why has Trump never faced any legitimate legal peril from his so-called transgressions?
If you are thinking that you can identify any, can you provide any evidence? Why have there been no indictments? No prosecutions? No incarcerations?
Paul Manafort and Roger Stone notwithstanding (those had zero to do with Trump), juxtaposed against the massively oppressive abuse of power by the political and media establishment, Trump hasn’t legitimately been shown to have exhibited ANY Abuses of Power.
The entire Watergate Affair is arguably every bit as massive as Obamagate, Russiagate, 2020 Election Hoax, January 6th Insurrection, Jan 6th Congressional Hearings, etc. combined so this article is intended, at best, to be a cursory overview of known discrepancies, anomalies and bomb shells, with hopefully enough embedded links for people to investigate further on their own.
Suffice to say, everything we’ve witnessed the corrupt establishment do to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy, they did to Nixon 50 years ago, in spades.
Given that every step that we’ve witnessed over the past six years in how the establishment has all been complicit in an overwhelming abuse of power, while simultaneously labeling anything and everything Trump did as ‘Worse than Watergate’, maybe it’s time we revisit Watergate and examine the set of circumstances using a different lens. In other words, now that we know the establishment’s playbook and how they use it, let’s re-examine Watergate in a completely different light.
What was Watergate exactly?
The original Watergate refers to a crime committed by Virgilio Gonzalez, Bernard Barker, James McCord, Eugenio Martínez, and Frank Sturgis when they broke in to the DNC headquarters at the Watergate Complex. Other than Sturgis, the other four were Cubans and all five of them had ties or were employees of the CIA. The crime was a relatively minor incident, but it was the cover-up of possible involvement of people within Nixon’s Committee to Re-elect the President and White House staffers that brought down Nixon’s administration, in what was considered to be an abuse of power. According to ABC News, this bungled, amateurish break-in was “The Political Crime of The Century”.
There was also a little known Watergate break-in on May 28th, 1972 by the same burglars where they were able to get in and out covertly. The official story is that there was an issue with one of the bugs and so they had to go back in and fix it but this story doesn’t hold up to any serious scrutiny. There are many, many incongruities and irregularities that beg further questioning.
For example, to this day, no one really knows why these men actually broke into the DNC. This is extremely mysterious, considering that the official narrative lead to a regime change in the U.S. There are plenty of prevailing theories, but it remains a hotly contested debate on what their intended purpose actually was. Given that this was allegedly the crime of the century, you’d think that we’d know what the motivation for the crime actually was. The intrigue and mystery surrounding Nixon’s administration is astonishing, once you get beyond the establishment’s stigmatization of it as “The worst abuse of power in our nation’s history”, long enough to dig deeper.
Let’s set the table with a few of the lesser known, yet astonishing facts that we now have found out to be factually true:
No Electronic Surveillance devices found. The official story is that the breaking and entering felonies committed by the men was so that they could go in and repair bugs and/or install new ones to try to get dirt on DNC chair Larry O'Brien. However, the DNC headquarters was swept for bugs by C&P Telephone the day before the break-in and swept again the day after by the FBI and no bugs were found so that story doesn’t hold water. If they didn’t break back in to the DNC Headquarters to install or fix bugs, then why did they do it? Also, it’s a common knowledge in the intelligence community that the democrats bugged the republicans in 1960, 1964 and 1968 Presidential Election processes, so getting caught for the felony of illegal phone surveillance, while being a crime of stupidity, isn’t the threat to our Democracy that democrats make it out to be.
Spy vs. Spy. How is it that five accomplished CIA operatives were even caught in the first place? This operation was bungled on multiple different levels from the get-go. The burglars had previously penetrated the DNC headquarters on May 28th successfully, they knew how to get in and what to do; this was meant to be a fairly quick in and out. Just a little bit of the old Ultra Violent. So how were they even caught? There’s a significant amount of evidence that suggests that CIA operative James McCord sabotaged the operation to made sure they got caught. McCord was supposedly retired, but no one retires from the CIA.
Moorer-Radford Affair. Over the years it has come out that the US Military was spying on the Nixon White House. Navy Admiral Thomas H. Moorer set up a spy ring inside the White House because his suspected that Nixon’s administration had been infiltrated by Kissinger and his globalist ideologies and these policies were not in America’s best interests.
Linda Lovelace. Bob Woodward worked in the Nixon Whitehouse in 1969-70. In fact, Woodward worked for Admiral Thomas H. Moore while they were in the Navy and when Moore was moved to Chairman of The Joint Chiefs in the Nixon Administration, Woodward was in and out of the Whitehouse on a regular basis delivering intelligence materials. Woodward worked at the intelligence desk in the Pentagon and regularly briefed General Alexander Haig with relevant information that came across his desk. Woodward has been portrayed as a “cub reporter” working for the Washington Post, when in reality he was most likely much more than this. Woodward spent a considerable time in the White House as a courier (which is how he supposedly met Mark Felt), prior to taking up a job as a ‘journalist’. Was there ever a Deep Throat leaker or was Woodward receiving intimate details from the spy ring he was directly or indirectly associated with?
Regime Change E. Howard Hunt, one of the Plumbers behind the operation had spent his CIA career being involved in regime change. Operation Executive Action was involved with the removal of the duly elected Guatemalan President in 1954 and Hunt was intimately involved in that situation. Hunt also was involved in other regime change efforts in Central America, Africa, Mexico and went to Cuba in 1958 to make plans to remove Castro in Cuba. Furthermore, Hunt was involved in the Bay of Pigs debacle and many JFK Assassination experts put E. Howard Hunt in Dealey Plaza in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Do you not think it odd that the phone number of a career CIA regime change operator was found in the pocket of one of the burglars? CIA Agents don’t typically do their work with their bosses phone numbers in their pockets.
Fake News Watergate Federal Prosecutor Earl Silbert, who would be the John Durham of the Watergate investigation, has stated publicly that there was never a single piece of information published in the Washington Post by Woodward and Bernstein that he didn’t already know from their own internal investigations. This calls into serious question the legitimacy of the entire narrative that Deep Throat was claimed to be an inside whistleblower with access to proprietary information. Based on Silbert’s observations, Deepthroat was likely a plant used in an attempt to control public perceptions through the creation of a narrative. Woodward and Bernstein probably did almost zero detective work as they were being spoon fed information by insiders.
Afternoon Delight. What was John Dean’s relationship with a Call Girl Ring operating in an apartment building behind the Watergate Complex? This is possibly one of the largest unanswered questions in this entire scandal and his involvement seems to have led to the greatest abuse of power in this entire debacle. More than anyone, Dean was undeniably the Prime Villain in Watergate, he directly responsible for the break-in on June 17th and was in charge of what he called “The Coverup Desk” and yet he didn’t spend a single night in prison. Why was that?
How much of this is new information to you so far?
John F Kennedy had his share of enemies wanting him gone including the Mafia, the CIA, the Federal Reserve, etc. And similarly, there were various agencies and organizations who wanted to see Nixon removed from office. You could argue that the Lone Gunman Theory (along with the Magic Bullet theory) is just about as plausible the Theory that these five CIA experts in espionage bungled this caper so badly that they got caught.
If you’re honest with yourself, neither of these theories hold up with the least bit of critical scrutiny and so logic would dictate, in both instances, that the truth is most likely far more complicated than we’ve been led to believe.
With regards to who Nixon’s enemies were, where do we begin? Of course the democrats are always looking to take back power of the Whitehouse and never let go, elements within the military were extremely concerned with this Harvard guy Kissinger who was Nixon’s new bff and the CIA didn’t feel they could trust or control Nixon and that feeling was certainly mutual. Nixon was determined to pull our troops out of Vietnam, try to bring peace to the Middle East, establish Détente with U.S.S.R. and normalize relations with China and the Military Industrial Complex couldn’t have been more thrilled with any of this either.
Working on the assumption that Nixon’s removal from office was a deliberate and pre-meditated act, it’s conceivable that several, if not all of these factions (including FBI involvement), worked in concert to pull off this softest of coups.
E. Howard Hunt was a career CIA operative. In 1954, as part of the CIA’s Executive Action program, which was an ongoing CIA Operation to remove unfriendly [foreign] leaders from power, Hunt was intimately involved with the regime change in Guatemala, ousting the duly elected President, Jacobo Arbenz. Execution Action was a clandestine program in the CIA that was responsible for assassinations and other plots to bring about regime change by removing leaders unsympathetic to the American Agenda at the time, and Hunt is known to have had involvements in Africa, Mexico and other Central America countries.
In 1959 after a visit to Cuba, Hunt decided that Fidel Castro was a threat to western democracy and was heavily involved in the infamous Bay of Pigs invasion. Before he died, Hunt made claims about those in the CIA who were involved with the killing of JFK (including fellow Plumber Frank Sturgis) and there are many theories that place Hunt at Dealey Plaza on November 22nd, 1963. JFK Assassination researcher Mark Lane, author of the best-selling 1991 "Plausible Denial", posited his theory about E. Howard Hunt's and the CIA's role in Kennedy's murder.
As a side note, like Anthony Tata and Tom Clancy, Hunt was a prolific writer of espionage focused novels.
In 1971, Hunt ingratiated himself to the Nixon administration’s Domestic Affairs Council Chuck Colson, who brought him on as a consultant. Hunt had nominally retired as a CIA agent a year earlier, but as they saying goes “Once a Company Man, Always a Company Man” and in Jim Hougan’s 1984 book, Secret Agenda, he proves (through FOIA requests) that Hunt was sending inside intelligence from the Whitehouse to Langley on a regular basis while he was on the Whitehouse staff.
When the five burglars arrested on June 17th, 1972 were searched, one of them had a phone number in his pocket of none other than E. Howard Hunt.
Bob Woodward (who was at the arraignment a few days later—probably just another coincidence) was in court to hear them plead and it came out through public testimony the existence of this phone number. When he called it, it rang through to the Whitehouse switchboard.
Among the materials found in Hunt’s safe at the Executive Office of the President, was a copy of a diplomatic cable implicating President Kennedy in the assassination of South Vietnam's President Ngo Dinh Diem. The authenticity, purpose and intention of this cable is obviously very murky, when considering that it has anything to do with Hunt and the CIA, but here we have a career Regime Change operative involved one way or the other in the regime change in South Viet Nam.
Furthermore, ex-CIA operative Jim McCord (who was one of the five arrested on June 17th, 1972) seemed to have intentionally sabotaged the break-in to guarantee that the burglars got arrested. He delayed entering the building for hours and would mysteriously vanish for 15-30 minutes unaccounted for, and by most accounts he had to have been working with an accomplice. Had McCord executed the break-in according to their plan, they most likely wouldn’t have been caught. They had ‘cased the joint’ prior to the May 28th break-in and had executed the first break-in flawlessly, operating to very precise timing, and McCord seemed to have done everything he could to trip up every aspect of their execution plan on the second break-in.
What are the odds that a lifelong CIA operative specializing in Regime Change and active throughout Central America, Cuba, Africa, Mexico, South Viet Nam and possibly even the JFK assassination, would be intimately involved in the removal of Richard M. Nixon from office in the early 70s? Probably just coincidence.
The cynic would say that Hunt was involved directly or indirectly in the removal [or attempted removal] of at least Castro, Arbenz, Deim and Kennedy and went on to infiltrate the Nixon Administration with the Executive Action agenda of removing Nixon from the White House. The pragmatist might argue that Hunt was there to protect Nixon from the deep state (which is laughable on the face of it), but either way, Hunt’s role as an operational lead of The Plumbers undeniably led directly to Nixon’s demise.
Who knows, maybe Hunt was a patsy, that makes as much sense as anything but used as a patsy by whom and to what end?
In his book about his research into Watergate called Secret Agenda (1984), Jim Hougan makes a compelling case for how it was the CIA that was the main player behind the Watergate break-in of June 17th. Hougan filed thousands of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests in the ten years following the scandal and was able to provide many facts previously unavailable to the American public.
Hougan also asserts a possible link between the CIA and a High Class Call Girl ring operating out of Columbia Plaza adjacent to the Watergate Complex. On June 9th, 1972, just eight days prior to the break-in, the Washington Post ran a story about the call girl ring, which caught the immediate attention of John Dean.
This is because his fiancé (they eventually did get married) at the time Maurine “Mo” Biner. Mo was the very attractive blonde woman that sat behind Dean at the congressional hearings for Watergate.
It turns out that Mo Biner’s best friend and bridesmaid was a former stripper named Heidi Rikan (AKA Kathie Dieter). Kathie Dieter was the Madame who was running the call girl ring, used by the DNC and allegedly exploited by the CIA for espionage purposes (including speculation/accusation of the CIA using LSD, drugs and other mind control techniques to elicit information from unsuspecting customers).
This CIA ‘Honeypot’ operation was being run out of the Columbia Plaza Apartments, within line of sight of the Watergate and across the Potomac River Freeway (I-66). Jeb McGruder and John Dean were implicated in the madame’s ‘Black Book’, as were a great deal many other Washington DC Establishment insiders and movers & shakers. Could it be that the June 17th bugging operation was meant to capture conversations emanating from the Columbia Plaza Apartments?
This was potentially an enormous scandal for the Central Intelligence Agency, whose charter was to only surveil international foreigners and not domestic civilians. In 1972, this would have been an extraordinary breach in constitutionality and against American citizens Fourth Amendment Rights. We may take the fact that Americans are routinely spied on for granted now in light of the Snowden exposures and the Patriot Act, but this would have been an enormous controversy in 1972 and obviously considered to be an unconscionable and egregious Abuse of Power.
The prevailing theory here goes something like this: The June 9th article in the WaPo came out and people all over Washington DC panicked. Ambassadors, politicians, law enforcement officials, intelligence personnel, career bureaucrats and others were potentially instantly at risk of being exposed or blackmailed and John Dean was one of them. The information in this ‘little black book’ is riveting and includes people like Dean, Jeb McGruder, Mo Biner and others.
One key piece of evidence is that the police found a key on one of the burglars (who tried to swallow it and it almost killed him) to Maxie Waters desk, where it is believed the list of clients/contacts for the Call Girl Ring resided and one of the prevailing theories is that John Dean had instructed them to break-in, not to bug the DNC, but to get this potentially damning bombshell evidence.
John Dean
John Dean had his fingerprints all over the June 17th crime, and was the most active White House staffer involved in the cover-up and ultimately the resignation of Nixon so what was his underlying motivation in the caper?
John Dean seems to be the shadiest, most dishonest, shiftiest individual in the entire Watergate Affair. The logical question here would be, was Dean’s motivation in this entire episode an example of a misguided lover’s attempt to protect his betrothed from the public scrutiny of being linked to the Call Girl ring, or was his involvement in Watergate far more murkier. In other words, could Dean have been a Trojan Horse, placed in the administration by the CIA, the Military or the FBI with the intention of imploding the Nixon Whitehouse from within?
Consider this—Dean was complicit in virtually all aspects of both break-ins: recruited Liddy, was linked to the Call Girl ring, ran (according to his own words) the “Whitehouse Coverup Desk”, suborned perjury, destroyed states evidence and he lied to federal prosecutors.
Dean never spent a single night in prison.
The federal prosecutors refused to grant him immunity for his testimony because they simply found him to be utterly lacking in credible. Judge Sirica had sentenced Dean to 1-4 years for his involvement but the corrupt Ervin Committee had no problem granting Dean immunity to join their made-for-TV hearings to implicate the Nixon Whitehouse. Dean spent a few months sleeping at Fort Holabird, Maryland which was a witness protection facility. During the days he was writing a book for Bantam Press in the Federal Prosecutor’s office. After the hearings, Sirica let him off for ‘time served’.
Was Dean blackmailed to carry out someone else’s wishes, was he simply just trying to save his own skin or did he just have a personal vendetta against the Nixon Administration and wanted to bring it down.
We do know that in 2019, the democrats once again trotted Dean out to speak in Congressional Hearings on the Mueller Report so they evidently believe he still has “Narrative Capital”.
We get a hint as to Dean’s loyalties and motivations in his latest book, Authoritarian Nightmare; Trump and His Followers. In this Trump Deranged diatribe, Dean is not even trying to hide his Deep State allegiance. Can we infer from this that he was a deep state stooge all along, or maybe he just needed to make some mortgage payments (or both). Who knows, but it’s certainly an interesting piece to the puzzle.
“Prussia, Prussia, Prussia!!!”
How does Henry Kissinger’s presence in the Nixon Administration play into this entire escapade? Nixon trusted him more than anyone, but was this a classic case of Prussian invasion through infiltration? Kissinger was a transnationalist who had a significant amount of influence on Nixon’s philosophy regarding global politics.
We know that Nelson Rockefeller, who was Governor of New York at the time, wanted to run for President in 1968 but conceded to Nixon. However in exchange for Rockefeller supporting Nixon in the coming Presidential Election, Nixon had to agree to place Kissinger on the National Security Council (NSC).
The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission were David Rockefeller’s Globalist entities and so Kissinger being placed in the Nixon Administration by Rockefeller(s) makes the Prussian angle more plausible. Furthermore, David Young, who was one of the co-plumbers was a Rockefeller protégé so there’s certainly a Watergate Break-in connection to the Globalists, but is it logical to conclude that they’d want any part in removing Nixon from office with their boy Kissinger doing his thing? There’s clearly an angle here in terms of motivation for others to be incentivized to remove Nixon and by proxy, Henry Kissinger.
We do know that Kissinger was Klaus Schwab’s professor at Harvard in the early 60s and Schwab had established the World Economic Forum in 1971, with Kennedy being part of the NSC during Nixon’s first term.
In Will Zoll’s Prussiagate series is a collection of extraordinary essays regarding Prussian influence on geopolitics and socioeconomics over the past several centuries. For those of you unfamiliar with the Prussiagate series, Patrick Gunnels’ readings of these articles is invaluable.
The entire Prussiagate series is highly recommended reading, extremely well researched and provides tremendously compelling evidence that there is a hidden enemy within our midst that has been operating for hundreds of years, dating back to Frederick the Great and even further.
As far-fetched as this theory may seem, when you read through the presentations, do your own independent research and think logically through the information provided, it’s hard to deny the plausibility (if not the probability) that the theory present by Will Zoll is undeniably a legitimate possibility.
Zoll cogently argues that the US Federal Reserve is a Prussian creation, that the US Civil war had Prussian fingerprints on it (the 1871 TREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN named the Kaiser of Germany as the treaty’s arbitrator), that World War I and World War II were both architected by Prussia in order to bankrupt most of the world’s nations and to enter into an era of a network of transnational corporations as their new virtual sovereign nation that would allow Prussia to morph into a country-less state.
Prussia was officially disbanded as a nation in 1947 but, according to Zoll, has persisted ever since as a virtual nation, an army without a country operating on the basis of infiltration as opposed to invasion. Was it Kissinger that convinced Nixon to take the U.S. off the Gold Standard? To normalize relations with China? Achieving “Détente” with the Soviet Union?
If Kissinger was operating as a wolf in sheep’s clothing on a Globalist based Agenda, that certainly would have made him a traitor to the United States and either one of two things would be true: either Nixon would have been knowingly and willingly complicit in this agenda, or he was completely ignorant to it and Kissinger successfully was able to infiltrate the US Government at the highest level. Either way, Kissinger’s presence in the Whitehouse as a Globalist presence was a threat to the American way of life.
Eventually, our planet will most likely have a unified Government. For all concerned, let’s just hope that it will not be Prussian.
Similar to how leaks have made a major impact on the Trump hoaxes, leaks were also a major scourge of the Nixon years, beginning with Daniel Ellsberg leaking the leftist Pentagon Papers regarding the Viet Nam war efforts. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara had commissioned a study on the US involvement in Viet Nam since the end of WW II, and the three individuals who wrote the report, Paul C. Warnke, Morton H. Halperin, and Les Gelb, were all far left leaning politically.
The report was had a far left leaning slant and only focused on our involvement from 1945-1967 and didn’t even include Nixon’s administration. Some might consider it as just another form Fake News as there was no counter-balance paper available.
This leak caused a major challenge to negotiations with the Totalitarian governments of U.S.S.R., Peoples Republic of China and North Viet Nam. Nixon was furious and need to develop a strategy to contain, if not stop altogether, the leaks that posed a serious National Security risk. White house lawyers Egil “Bud” Krogh and David Young were assigned to head up the Special Investigations Unit, otherwise known as “The Plumbers” because their specific assignment was to stop leaks.
The day Nixon was inaugurated, he inherited a mess in Viet Nam, with 550,000 Americans fighting over there and the moment he took office, the press which had been quiet on what was going on, immediately began attacking Nixon as if it was all his fault, much in the same way as the Washington Post called for Trump’s impeachment 20 minutes into his first term.
In both instances, we see the politically motivated abuse of power, not by Nixon or Trump, but by the Washington establishment
Len Colodny’s 1992 book, Silent Coup: The Removal of Richard Nixon, makes a case for how factions within the Military were extremely concerned that Kissinger’s behavior was not in the best interest of the United States and that they had the means, motive and opportunity to remove Nixon via a soft coup.
Was the military somehow involved in Watergate because of their concerns that Nixon’s administration had been infiltrated by Henry Kissinger and engaging in globalist policies? Moorer served as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1970 until 1974 and the controversy about the military spying on Nixon’s Whitehouse became to be known as the Moorer-Radford Affair.
As previously mentioned, Washington Post cub reporter Robert Woodward had ties to Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, the Chief of Naval Operations ( future Chairman Joint Chiefs), Alexander Haig as well as Radford. Was Woodward explicitly or implicitly part of the Whitehouse Spy Ring?
Do you not think that this little tidbit of information that Woodward was linked to these folk (that virtually no one is aware of) is something that Woodward should have disclosed to the public? Instead, he has repeatedly lied about it and he’s done his best to conceal this information.
The Military may very well have had a completely legitimate and justifiable reason to commit espionage on a sitting president, but was it constitutional and legal? Did use Bob Woodward as part of a plan to execute a soft coup? Was John Dean complicit in this soft coup (knowingly or unknowingly)?
Was the Kennedy Family involved in attempting to Frame Nixon so Ted Kennedy could capture the Whitehouse in 1976?
The Kennedy Family’s links to the Watergate Drama are extensive and invasive. While they may not have been involved in the original break-in, their involvement in the witch-hunt was certainly a case of political opportunism as they smelled blood in the water and used all their political clout, ostensibly to pave the way for Teddy Kennedy to make a run at the 1976 Presidential Candidacy.
The Kennedy Family’s links to the Watergate Drama are extensive and invasive. While they may not have been involved in the original break-in, their participation in the witch-hunt was certainly a case of political opportunism as they smelled blood in the water. They used all their political clout to manipulate the flow of information, pace of the prosecution and expansion of their charter to ostensibly to pave the way for Teddy Kennedy to make a run at the 1976 Presidential Candidacy.
The Ervin Committee’s Chief Investigator, Carmine Bellino, had been working for the Kennedy’s for 30 years and John Dean’s defense council was Charles Shaffer, who worked intimately with Robert Kennedy and the Warren Commission (Why would a conservative lawyer (Dean) working in the Nixon Administration, hire a Democratic lawyer like Shaffer?). You couldn’t find a lawyer closer to Kennedy interests, than Charles Shaffer.
The DOJ Special Prosecutor assigned to prosecute the Watergate crimes was Archibald Cox and he was a major player in the Kennedy political dynasty. He was solicitor general in the JFK Administration under Bobby Kennedy, he was a major speech writer for JFK in the 1960 Presidential Election and he actively collaborated with Senator Edward Kennedy in opposition to Nixon’s Supreme Court nominees so he was basically a career Kennedy adjunct.
Lastly, Burke Marshall (another Kennedy insider) controlled Nixon’s impeachment process. Marshall was Ted Kennedy’s choice to become Attorney General had Ted been elected and surprisingly what Marshall was doing was attempting to slow down the impeachment hearings. The idea was that if they could bait Nixon into staying in office for the duration of his term by extending the hearings as long as possible, it would usher in the opportunity for Kennedy to easily win in ‘76.
By the end of the Senate Judicial Committee’s investigations, where Kennedy was a operating under the aegis of investigating the Watergate coverup, they we investigating virtually anyone they wanted in the Republican Party (including investigations on Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater and others who had nothing whatsoever to do with Watergate), while simultaneously deflecting all attention away from his little Chappaquiddick incident.
This abuse of power by the Kennedy family in investigating a botched (and most likely intentionally sabotaged) burglary was extraordinary. Could the Kennedy’s been complicit in the original crime or, via John Dean, as part of the coverup? That theory seems to be beyond credulity, but they certainly exploited every opportunity to play their part in controlling the narrative.
Back in 1969, when Nixon was first inaugurated, Mainstream Media consisted of just these eight news outlets. That’s it. If you had control of these eight, you virtually had a grip on public perceptions and you had carte blanche to have the American public believe whatever you wanted them to believe.
Every one of these publications or broadcasters were far left leaning. Furthermore, according to testimony in the Church Commission, the CIA had over 400 operatives embedded in each of these outlets as well as within all the major film studios in Hollywood.
Was the DNC run by the CIA, or was the CIA run by the DNC, or were they enmeshed in a symbiotic and synergistic relationship the fueled each other’s agendas? Either way, the CIA and Democratic Party held an extraordinary amount of power in being able to create, manage and maintain whatever narrative they found useful.
Prior to Nixon’s first inauguration in 1969, the press had been relatively muted on the Viet Nam War and Nixon had campaigned on the promise of getting us out of the War (something the Military Industrial Complex couldn’t have been too thrilled about). Nixon was Eisenhour’s Vice President in the 1950s and when Eisenhour gave his famous farewell speech, he warned us of the enormous power and influence this war machine had accumulated. However, on the very first day of Nixon’s presidency, the entire media establishment instantaneously began an assault on him, demanding that he leave Viet Nam immediately (which actually undermined his ability to negotiate a peaceful withdrawal).
Eventually, the New York Times would publish the so called Pentagon Papers which were classified material authored by left leaning progressives within the military. This was an outrageous National Security risk as it posed an existential threat to Nixon’s ongoing peace talks with the Soviet Union, China and North Viet Nam. Every step of the way, the establishment was undermining Nixon’s Administration any way they could.
Massive Abuse of Power
Watergate is synonymous with the Abuse of Power. Throughout the Nixon Presidency, from his first day of office to the day he resigned, his administration as the target of systemic abuses of power from:
The Mainstream Media
John Dean
The Ervin Commission/Congress in general
The Military
Department of Justice
Judge Sirica
Intelligence Community at Large
The word Watergate IS synonymous with the abuse of power. It’s just not what we thought it was. The word Watergate should forever be placed alongside the words Obamagate and Russiagate as words that perfectly convey how colossally corrupt the Deep-state Washington establishment is.
The Watergate Shepard
A special shout out goes to Geoff Shepard who has spent the past 50 years investigating, collating and authoring as much information about the entire Watergate Saga as anyone ever has. He’s a walking encyclopedia of all things Watergate and his perseverance and dogged persistence up through the present day in unearthing documentation via FOIA requests and reading as many books on the subject as are available has produced a wealth of heretofore unknown information.
Shepard earned a fellowship in the Nixon administration in 1969 as a recent grad of Harvard Law School and proceeded to be on the Whitehouse legal staff through the end of Nixon’s presidency. He was quite a choirboy, and wasn’t involved in any of the criminality or cover-up, but he also saw through John Dean’s corruption, Shepard was adamant that his boss not hire G. Gordon Liddy (but he lost that fight) and the story Geoff has to tell is entirely inconsistent with the narrative that the Washington establishment would have you believe.
In a perfect world, When Donald J. Trump is back in office, one of the first things he should do is to confer Geoff with the Presidential Medal of Honor. If it were not for Geoff Shepard, I honest don’t believe we would have ever found out much of what has been discovered since Nixon resigned. Here is a recent conversation I had with Geoff about many of his insights regarding Watergate:
**If YouTube blocks/pulls the video, you can watch it on Rumble here.
Nixon’s Watergate vs. Trump’s Russiagate
Having all of this unknown Watergate information coming to light, let’s look at some of the many, many parallels that exist between how the deep state took out Kennedy, Nixon and Trump. While JFK’s assassination has not been given the same weight in this article as the other two, what is clear as that all three involved the CIA and all three were Regime Changes. We know that the DNC bugged the republicans in 1960, 1964 and 1968 (and most likely 1972) so the initial crime of bugging the DNC Headquarters was standard fare at the time in terms of oppo research.
Remember, most historians agree that Nixon won the 1960 election and it was Mayor Richard Daly in Chicago who was able to deliver the election to Kennedy with massive voter fraud. This context is important to keep in mind and by 1968 when Nixon was back in the White House (he served as Vice President under Eisenhour), he entered the Oval Office already at war with the Deep State from day one!! In both cases, there was spying on a sitting American President. In both cases, anti-establishment Presidents were successfully (for now) removed by the establishment.
Like Trump (as well as Kennedy), Nixon was a maverick when it came to foreign affairs, acting against the deep state’s agenda. According to both Golda Meir and Benjamin Netanyahu, Nixon is credited with having saved Israel during the Yom Kipper war. Egypt, Sudan and other Middle Eastern countries had begun to come under the influence of the U.S.S.R. and Nixon successfully reasserted the US’s influence in the region. He achieved détente with the U.S.S.R, normalized relations with China and through the Paris Peace Accords arranged for the honorable withdraw of our troops from Vietnam.
Domestically, Nixon’s administration (unironically not a Democrat admin) was responsible for making Environmentalism a national cause and created the Environmental Protection Agency and on June 23, 1972 (just six days after the bungled burglary), Nixon signed into law Title IX, barring discrimination on the basis of gender for “any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” This law put female sports in colleges and universities on equal footing with the men’s programs.
With Trump, we had The Abraham Peace Accords, record unemployment, trade deals with China and Europe, new North American trade deal, record economic growth, clean air and water, U.S. as Energy Leader, rebuilt military, wall on our southern border with low numbers illegal immigrants and many more accomplishments.
Like Trump, Nixon’s accomplishments versus public perception about him were completely out of whack. To the beltway establishment, both Nixon and Trump were completely out of control and had to be taken down. In Nixon’s case, they used a new Playbook, one that involved creating and manipulating the public narrative about what was happening. A Playbook based on gaslighting the American public. And it worked.
The CIA had already assassinated Kennedy, so they needed a new playbook with Nixon. The CIA’s mockingbird media was readily available and potently instrumental in propagandizing the American public against Nixon. All they needed as a clumsy little breaking and entering misdemeanor as an excuse to deploy all media assets against the POTUS.
The Watergate burglary itself simply doesn’t add up. E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy were CIA Super-spooks and the five men arrested, identified as Virgilio Gonzalez, Bernard Barker, James McCord, Eugenio Martínez, and Frank Sturgis were all sophisticated operatives — most of whom were employed by or had links to the CIA and some of whom became associated with the Kennedy assassination — got caught off guard by three policemen disguised as hippies because the burglar’s sentinel was busy enjoying the movie Attack of the Puppet People in a nearby location.
How the hell are we supposed to believe this all wasn’t just another hoax perpetrated by the deep state to bring down another presidency?
When you start to re-examine the entire Watergate controversy through the lens of the 21st Century Three Letter Agencies responsible for the entire Russiagate scandal, the official narrative begins to sound less and less credible and in fact, it’s more logical and reasonable to assume that it was all another Deep State Coup.
In both the Nixon and Trump situations, the FBI, CIA and/or the DOJ was involved in leaking sensitive material to the press in order to gin up anti-administration sentiment amongst the electorate.
We’re led to believe that FBI deputy director William Mark Felt (AKA Deep Throat) leaked sensitive and classified information to a pair of Washington Post reporters because of his concern for the institution of the Presidency and a duty to save the Republic. Sound familiar?
More interesting is Bob Woodward’s story on how he had cultivated a relationship with Felt. According to Woodward, back when he was in the Navy in his 20s, he was instructed to drop off a package at the White House. While there sitting in the waiting room, he just coincidentally started up a conversation with Felt and they maintained a relationship for many years after that, touching base frequently and he claimed to have looked up to Felt as a mentor.
We all know now that Michael Isikoff, whose Yahoo News article based on the Steele Dossier was derived from information leaked by Steele himself to Yahoo News and then used by the Deep State to obtain a FISA Warrant. We also know that James Comey leaking confidential and classified information to initiate the Mueller Probe?
There was the Alfa Bank story leaked to Slate, and then Jake Sullivan and Hillary Clinton retweeting the Slate article as if they had no foreknowledge of it whatsoever. The examples of the CIA and/or the FBI leaking sensitive data to the media and then using those press accounts to further their agenda(a) have been prevalent over the past 6 years.
Media Complicity
During the Watergate era, the media were certainly complicit institutions that helped drive Nixon from office (Paul Johnson called Watergate a “media putsch” or coup), and those same media institutions have never hidden their dislike and disdain for Donald Trump.
Both Nixon and Trump called the investigations against them ‘witch-hunts’ and they both labeled the Main Stream Media as the Enemy of the People.
The Media Industrial Complex owns the narrative, undeniably pushes a far-left agenda and attacks any conservatives that may stand in their way.
For any objective observer, the massive discrepancy between how the legacy media treats Republican issues vs. Democratic issues is extraordinarily obvious. In fact, this double standard in how information is presented to the public is so overwhelming that it should be the best alarm clock in the mass awakening that is going on right now.
For those who have the words “Tucker Carlson” perched on their lips with a whatabout recrimination exclaiming how FOX is ‘just as bad’ about defaming liberals, as the entire field apart from FOX defames conservatives, just remember that it was Fox that inexplicably called Arizona for Biden early in the evening on Nov. 3rd 2020 with only 1% of precincts reporting. FOX is controlled opposition, just fulfilling their role managing public perception.
When people begin to realize that the main stream media is nothing more than narrative management and they’ve been utterly deceived for decades, and they turn off their TVs and begin to look at the New Media Phenomena of citizen journalism they’ll wake up to what’s really been going on for many decades.
Corrupt District Judges
Left leaning U.S. District Court judge John Sirica presided over the trial of the Watergate Burglars and took on the controversial authority of questioning the witnesses himself, because he “suspected a broader conspiracy that the break-in was part of a broader conspiracy”.
Left leaning U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who presided over General Flynn’s Federal Prosecution for lying to the FBI, refused to close the case even after the Department of Justice dropped all charges.
The list of examples is far lengthier than this, but there are many cases of these judges (as well as others) who acted extra-constitutionally and possibly illegally in their pursuit of ‘justice’.
Color Revolutions
From Patel Patriots series on Devolution:
Trump had to deal with the “Summer of Love” of the Antifa, Chad/Chop, BLM and “mostly peaceful protests” plaguing his presidency and wreaking havoc and dissention in major cities across the country, making his task of being Commander in Chief extremely challenging.
Similarly, while the protests in the late 60s, early 70s weren’t necessarily ‘color’ revolutions, per se, Nixon also was dealing with nearly identical civil unrest and social strife the moment he was inaugurated in 1969. The term Color Revolution is a relatively recent name given to these types of regime change protests, but what Nixon faced his first day of office completely fits the description above.
The Ervin Congressional Commission vs. The January 6th Congressional Commission
The comparisons between these two congressional commissions is extraordinary. In fact, it could be easily argued that both served as an obstruction of justice. Both Democratic power brokers, Sam Ervin was to Watergate what Nancy Pelosi was to the three impeachments. For instance, in 1973, the DOJ’s career federal prosecutors refused to grant John Dean immunity in order to get him to testify. He constantly was changing his stories with contradictory details many of his claims were refuted by other eye-witness testimony. Dean was a Media Darling and the Ervin Committee had no issue at all with giving Dean immunity, just in the same way Pelosi, et al, would give anybody immunity who’d come up and impugn Trump’s claims that he didn’t incite a riot.
The Ervin committee wanted a made-for-TV event that would get excellent ratings and serve to humiliate, embarrass and shame the Republican Party for years and Dean was all to happy to help make it happen.
Geoff Shepard has written an excellent essay on the comparisons to the two sham hearings and the many parallels between them.
Perhaps the Jan 6th Committee Hearings will spell an end to these congressional cangaroo courts. They do not provide people with their constitutional rights to a fair trail and a jury of our peers. This latest example has turned into a chariacture of the Ervin Committee hearings as the democrats have reached down into that well one too many times and the American Public is not buying it anymore.
“This is a Witch-hunt”
Both Nixon as well as Trump labeled their respective “scandals” (RussiaGate Hoax and the Watergate Hoax) as political witch-hunts and both of them also called the mainstream media “an enemy of the people”. Could it possibly be that Trump was intentionally throwing himself in league with Nixon on purpose, in order to get the establishment to use their Watergate Playbook yet again, but this time in an attempt catch them in the act? This is speculation at this point, but if you look back at all of Trump’s actions over the past six years, it certainly would appear that he was doing everything he could to invoke “This is worse than Watergate” by all the usual suspects.
In their recent book, Battle for the American Mind [subtitled Uprooting a Century of Miseducation], Pete Hegseth and David Goodwin make the case for how American Progressives knew that social control was far more powerful than economic control.
This argument is entirely consistent with the viewpoint that the sociological tectonic plates we see in our culture are divided along ideological fault lines. In a dystopian Hegelian Jihad, the techniques of Edward Bernays have been used to turn humanity against itself.
The Coup de Grassy Knoll
On August 8th, 1974, Richard M. Nixon resigned from the Presidency of the United States.
Nixon could have easily served out the remainder of his term and fought against the Establishment Elite for another two years. The case against him was circumstantial, weak, and as far as we can tell, he was innocent on the Obstruction of Justice charge.
All he did in the infamous ‘smoking gun’ tape, was make a request to Richard Helms (then CIA Director) to not investigate two sources of the burglars’ cash. These funds originated from a pair of Democratic donors who were hedging their bet(s) and had also donated to the Nixon campaign. Nixon, in an effort to not implicate and embarrass these left leaning patrons asked the CIA to leave them out of the investigation. But Nixon was also clear with his marching orders as he had instructed both the CIA and the FBI to fully investigate the break-in of the Watergate Plaza.
Many people wanted Nixon to stay in office to “drain the swamp” and fight against the systemic corruption that existed within the media, CIA, FBI, Military and Global elites. They knew that it was all a setup, from Nixon’s first day in office when he was hit with massive protests and a suddenly aggressive media to John Dean’s blatant lie in front of the Erwin Commission, the entire escapade played out like a cheap CIA Spy Novel.
Ultimately, it was Senator Barry Goldwater, (Prince of the Conservatives and the GOP Minority Leadership), Senator Hugh Scott (R-PA) and Rep John Rhodes of Arizona who were able to make a case to Nixon that it was in the country’s best interest and in the best interest of the future of the Republican Party for Nixon to step aside. The argument was that the democrats would mop up the floor with republicans in the 1974 Mid-terms if Nixon didn’t resign and as such, this kind of request must have come at the behest of the Chair of the Republican National Committee. This RNC Chair was first appointed by Nixon to be the Ambassador to the United Nations for the United States in 1971 and then to the position of Chairman of the Republican National Committee in 1973. The man’s name?
George H. W. Bush
More Than Acquaintances
We know that Trump and Nixon spent a lot of time together in New York in the 1980s from several Trump-Nixon letters that were recently published in the Nixon Library.
It was also clear from this letter below that back in 1987, Trump and Nixon had already spoken about Trump’s considering of running for POTUS. It stands to reason in their conversations related to Trump running for President, Nixon would have warned him about the Deep State, the Corporate Media’s liberal agenda, the career politicians in DC and all the other various forms of swamp creatures slithering through the beltway.
Whether the Deep State wrote the Playbook during their ouster of Nixon, or whether it pre-existed and they only refined it, Trump knew decades ago what the Playbook was and how they were going to use it against him. Trump used their own playbook and turned it against them. It was over before it started.
He’s been ten steps ahead of them every step of the way.
Watergate was an attempt to expose those in the Democratic party their dirty deeds to the unknowing American public